Save and Revert Changes
When you make changes to a project, such as branding, translation, or integration, and you want to save and review those changes in the Sandbox environment, please click the "Publish site" button located in the top right corner of the Project screen.
Publish site
To save all the changes you have made in the Project, click the Publish site.
The Save Changes window opens. This window lists the changes you have made in the Project.
Enter a brief comment with information about the changes made. This comment is then used as an info message in the Version History for better navigation.
Click Save to save & deploy the changes at the time you save them. Changes are always being deployed to the Sandbox environment.
Design Studio is never directly changing LIVE version of the Project.
All the changes are always deployed to Sandbox for review and then if wanted Live could be updated.
see below
A series of messages is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.
The following message indicates that the changes have been deployed.
You can view the history of saved changes on the Overview page of the given Project.
Here you will see a list of all the changes that have been made to the Project, the date each change was made, who made it, and the comment written at the time it was saved.
You can go back in time to exact version you want.
Version tags:
Currently editing
This is the version which is currently loaded in Design Studio, Flow, Pages, Settings etc. This is the version the User is currently working with. -
Sandbox version
This is the version currently deployed to the Sandbox environment URL -
Live version
This is the version currently deployed to the Live environment URL
Live version
is never directly changed and deployed. All changes you make and save are automatically deployed to the Sandbox version URL. On sandbox you can verify how your Project looks and works before you deploy to Live version for production usage. Once you are done with everything and you want to make a Live version press the button “Update Live”. The exact same version will then be transferred from Sandbox to the Live environment.
if production credentials have been preconfigured during the implementation phase, Project will automatically use predefined credentials corresponding with the environment. You can change credentials in the settings as well. Refer to the Credentialssection.
Revert Changes
If you don't want to save your changes, click Revert Changes.
The Revert changes window displays a list of changes to revert.
You will see a message displayed in the lower right corner of the screen indicating that the changes have been reverted and you can continue editing the Project.
Exit without saving changes
All your edits are persisted automatically until you Save them or Revert them. You can leave the page and return later, and your work will not be removed.
Updated 9 months ago