Hub Client API

A Hub client facilitates an interaction between the Hub and an end user.

Hub Client API

A Hub client facilitates an interaction between the Hub and an end user.

For a Hub client, a customer journey is a series of pages a.k.a. routes.
It renders pages (UI), gathers user input and submits data back to the Hub via a REST API.

A Hub client uses the Hub Client API for the following:

  • start a new execution for a given target,
  • start a new execution using a sharable token,
  • submit user input and resume execution,
  • execute a route function,
  • query an execution state and current route,
  • upload files using File cache.

Typical API calls sequence

The workflow execution API sequence is as follows:

  1. start a new execution and get Execution Request resource,
  2. query the corresponding response and get the 1st Route resource to display,
  3. submit the 1st route and get Execution Request resource,
  4. query the corresponding response and get the 2nd Route resource or Validation Error resource or Error resource,
  5. submit the 2nd route, same as (3), until the execution is terminated.

In addition, the workflow execution API enables going back to the previous route and executing a function.

Start new execution

POST /api/gateway/execute/{targetName}

Creates a request to start a new target execution. Add HTTP X-API-KEY header with corresponding api key value
for access to restricted targets.

  • targetName: a target name to specify target to start, format is name:revision or just name (in that case the latest revision is used).
  • payload: an execution input as JSON payload.
  • 201 Created, a success response has a request URI as a Location header and the body contains the newly created request as Execution Request resource

The corresponding response can be one of the following:

An example of a successful response is below:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Length: 645
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Location: /api/gateway/request/f3add886-36d3-49eb-8d2b-96862d63dbe4

    "uuid": "59bb233b-2d2b-41e7-ad13-f17c14513603",
    "requestURI": "/api/gateway/request/f3add886-36d3-49eb-8d2b-96862d63dbe4",
    "executionURI": "/api/gateway/execution/59bb233b-2d2b-41e7-ad13-f17c14513603"
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI2YzBlNjNhMi01MTE1LTRlM2YtOWNjOC1kOTdmYjcxNzFlODIiLCJzdWIiOiJleGVjdXRvciIsImlhdCI6MTU4MjcyNTI3MCwiZXhwIjoxNTgyNzU0MDcwfQ.2QDJai6f4f7fs85CctTN8K3vmL-XGMbFDq0_IF14GkM"

Execute exposed function

POST /api/gateway/execute/{componentName}/{functionName}

Creates a request to execute an exposed function. Add HTTP X-API-KEY header with corresponding API key value
for access to restricted targets. It returns result of the function if it finishes before timeout. Default timeout is 10s,
you can change it by adding HTTP X-SYNC-TIMEOUT header (value is in milliseconds, you can set it to 0 to make the call async).

  • componentName: a component name in which the function is defined, format is name:revision or just name (in that case the latest revision is used).
  • functionName: a name of the exposed function to execute.
  • payload: an input for function as JSON payload.

POST /api/gateway/execute/{componentName}/{functionName}/form-data

In addition using JSON as an input, it is possible to execute an exposed function with a form-data as an input with application/x-www-form-urlencoded content-type.

Submit route

POST /api/gateway/execution/{uuid}/submit

Creates a request to submit a route for a workflow execution with uuid.

  • uuid: a route uuid to submit, i.e. the current route uuid.
  • payload: user entered data and file descriptors as JSON payload.

An example request:

POST /api/gateway/execution/59bb233b-2d2b-41e7-ad13-f17c14513603/submit
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI1MTFiMDQ0MS1kNmQwLTRhOGEtODAwMy0yMmVmNTI3NDA4NDciLCJzdWIiOiJleGVjdXRvciIsImlhdCI6MTU1NzI0NjE4OSwiZXhwIjoxNTU3Mjc0OTg5fQ.2GVAuboArO8k1G48CY1ojFdypO9zm9u2ZubCE7Qa-Co

    "uuid": "3a0d231f-12b8-47b3-a495-b9418db294b3",
    "payload": {
        "firstname": "Joe",
        "lastname": "Bloke",
  • 201 Created, a success response has a request URI as a Location header and the body contains
    the newly created request as Execution Request resource.

The corresponding response can be one of the following:

Go back to previous route

POST /api/gateway/execution/{uuid}/back

Creates a request to go back to the previous route for a workflow execution with uuid.

  • uuid: a route uuid to go back from, i.e. the current route uuid,
  • payload: user entered data and file descriptors as JSON payload.

An example request:

POST /api/gateway/executor/c973a8e7-eb24-4e55-980f-f2ea0fff680e/back HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI1MTFiMDQ0MS1kNmQwLTRhOGEtODAwMy0yMmVmNTI3NDA4NDciLCJzdWIiOiJleGVjdXRvciIsImlhdCI6MTU1NzI0NjE4OSwiZXhwIjoxNTU3Mjc0OTg5fQ.2GVAuboArO8k1G48CY1ojFdypO9zm9u2ZubCE7Qa-Co

    "uuid": "3a0d231f-12b8-47b3-a495-b9418db294b3",
    "payload": {
        "firstname": "Joe"
  • 201 Created, a success response has a request URI as a Location header and the body contains the newly created request as Execution Request resource

The corresponding response can be one of the following:

Execute a route function

POST /api/gataway/execution/{uuid}/function

Creates a request to execute a route function.

  • name: a route function name
  • payload: input data as JSON payload.
  • 201 Created, a success response has a request URI as a Location header
    and the body contains the newly created request as Execution Request resource.

The corresponding response can be one of the following:

Get current route

GET /api/gateway/execution/{uuid}

Query an execution with uuid for the current route. It may take time before the current route is available due to ongoing execution.

  • 200 OK, a success response with Route resource as a body,
  • 404 Not Found, an executor with uuid not found,
  • 401 Unauthorized, invalid access token,
  • 500 Internal Server Error, execution error.

An example of a successful response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI1MTFiMDQ0MS1kNmQwLTRhOGEtODAwMy0yMmVmNTI3NDA4NDciLCJzdWIiOiJleGVjdXRvciIsImlhdCI6MTU1NzI0NjE4OSwiZXhwIjoxNTU3Mjc0OTg5fQ.2GVAuboArO8k1G48CY1ojFdypO9zm9u2ZubCE7Qa-Co

  "uuid": "89828e1e-c834-42a2-86f1-893209f63ab5", 
  "uri": "/product", 
  "terminal": false, 
  "backEnabled": false, 
  "export": {"product1": "Product1", "product2": "Product2"},
  "payload": {"product": "product1"}

Get response to Execution Request

GET /api/gateway/request/{uuid}

Query for a response of an Execution request specified by uuid. It may take time before the response is available due to ongoing execution.


Sharable token a.k.a. sharable link

POST /api/gateway/sharable/{token}

Starts an execution corresponding to given sharable token. A sharable token specifies an Execution request, see for details Sharable DSL.
Moreover, the POST request body is used as Execution request input. May take time before the response is available due to ongoing execution.



Execution Request

A unique execution request is generated after each execution command submission (POST). The corresponding execution response is queried using the requestURI.

  • uuid: execution UUID,
  • requestURI: request URI,
  • executionURI: execution URI,
  • token: authentication token to query corresponding response and execution.


Route resource represents a route to be rendered by a Hub client.

It contains the following fields:

  • uuid: identifies a route for the purpose of resuming a workflow execution,
  • uri: identifies a route for a hub-client, used for client-side routing and rendering a corresponding route view,
  • terminal: marks a route as terminal, set if the corresponding execution terminated,
  • backEnabled: determines if it's possible to go back to a previous route,
  • export: arbitrary data passed with a route, can be used for setting up a route view, e.g. a list of products,
  • payload: a prior route payload, used to pre-fill route view.

An example Route resource:

    "type": "route",
    "uuid": "89828e1e-c834-42a2-86f1-893209f63ab5", 
    "uri": "/product", 
    "terminal": false, 
    "backEnabled": false, 
    "export": {"product1": "Product1", "product2": "Product2"}


Result resource represents an execution result, like a function execution result.

An example Result resource:

    "result": "passed"

Validation Error

Validation Error resource contains a list of validation errors.

  • errors: a list of validation error
    • field: a field name
    • message: a validation error message

An example Validation Error resource:

    "type": "validation-errors",
    "errors": [
            "field": "mobile",
            "message": "Required"

Execution Error

Execution Error resource contains an error message.

An example Execution Error resource:

    "type": "error",
    "message": "Resume UUID mismatch!"


The execution API endpoints are secured using JWT tokens.

A new token is generated for every Execution Request. The token is then used to query the corresponding response or current route.

The token needs to be included as HTTP Authorization header. The expiration is set to 30 minutes and can be modified using jwt.expiration property.

Authorization: Bearer {token}