Amazon Parameter Store

Parameter Store is part of AWS Systems Manager service and is used for storing parameters, that can be obtained from applications.

Parameter Store

Parameter Store is part of AWS Systems Manager service and is used for storing parameters,
that can be obtained from applications.


1. Add Spring Cloud dependency to the Instance's build.gradle

implementation group: '', name: 'spring-cloud-starter-aws-parameter-store-config', version: '2.2.6.RELEASE'

2. Disable spring-cloud-starter-aws-parameter-store-config on local in bootstrap.yml

    enabled: false

3. Configure application to match parameters stored in cloud

Parameters are stored with following naming convention:


for Neo, it would look like:



  • prefix is by default /config, it has to start with /
  • applicationName is by default Spring application name defined in
  • profileSeparator is by default _
  • profile is any of Spring active profiles, if multiple are active, this will rotate through all of them
  • propertyName is standard Spring property name that would be used in

these values can be changed in bootstrap.yml:

    name: hub-instance-neo
    prefix: /config
    profile-separator: _