Customization and Configuration

Customize and configure the Zenoo Hub to meet your specific requirements.

Configuration properties


  • hub.execution.expiration

    Default: 1h

The maximum execution duration before expiration.

If enable-execution-log profile is active, a separate execution events logger writes out details of all the execution events.

Topic creation

If create-topics profile is active, the topics are configured using the following properties

  • hub.topics.partitions

    Default: 10

The number of partitions

  • hub.topics.replicas

    Default: none

The number of replicas

  • hub.topics.retention

    Default: 8H

The data retention duration

Admin API security


    Default: admin

An admin user name


    Default: auto-generated

An admin user password

Client API security

  • jwt.key

    Default: auto-generated

A secret key used for generating JWT tokens.

  • jwt.expiration

    Default: 1800

JWT tokens generated with specified expiration.

Kafka streams

  • hub.streams.prefix (Required)

    Default: none

The prefix is used for isolating Hub clusters running within the same Kafka broker.
It uses the setting as a prefix for Kafka topics.

For example, a Hub cluster with a testing prefix would use topics like testing-execution-events, testing-exchanges, etc.

The prefix can contain alphanumeric characters, .(dot), -(hyphen), and _(underscore).

  • hub.streams.application (Required)

    Default: hub

The application name used together with prefix to generate a unique application ID.

Each stream processing application must have a unique ID. The same ID must be given to all instances of the application.

This ID is used in the following places to isolate resources used by the application from others:

  • As the default Kafka consumer and producer prefix
  • As the Kafka consumer for coordination
  • As the name of the subdirectory in the state directory (hub.streams.state.dir)
  • As the prefix of internal Kafka topic names

  • hub.streams.request-timeout-ms

    Default: 60000

The configuration controls the maximum amount of time the client will wait for the response of a request.
If the response is not received before the timeout elapses the client will resend the request if necessary
or fail the request if retries are exhausted.

  • hub.streams.producer.max-request-size

    Default: 1048576

The maximum size of a request in bytes. This setting will limit the number of record batches the producer will send in a single request to avoid sending huge requests.
This is also effectively a cap on the maximum uncompressed record batch size. Note that the server has its own cap on the record batch size (after compression if compression is enabled) which may be different from this.

  • hub.streams.state.dir

    Default: /tmp/kafka-streams

Directory location for state stores.

  • hub.streams.state.cleanup-on-start

    Default: false

Clean up application’s local state directory when Kafka Streams start.

  • hub.streams.state.cleanup-on-stop

    Default: false

Clean up application’s local state directory when Kafka Streams shut down.

File Uploader

  • hub.uploader.cache.dir

  • Default: ./cache

Directory location for cached files.