Project Settings

Project settings

Project settings

Project settings can be set in the root index.yml file.
The values for these settings can be individually set for any particular environment. (Environment-specific entry points)

List of available parameters

ParameterRequiredDefault ValueDescription
analyticsfalseAnalytics configuration
analyticsMapperfalseAnalytics configuration
analyticsParamsfalseAnalytics configuration
apiVersionfalse'v1'API version ('v0' or 'v1') used to specify usage of legacy API
authorizationTimeoutfalse10Authorization cookie expiration timeout (in minutes)
backDisabledAlertfalseMessage to be displayed in case of disabled back action
coreLocalefalseList of translates for Core messages (more in localization)
defaultLocalefalseDefault locale code (more in localization)
descriptionfalseMeta description tag
devToolsfalsetrueToggles developer tools (open with ctrl + shift + D hotkey)
errorPagefalseError page configuration
faviconfalsePath to favicon
flowExportfalseMocked flow export
flowIdNamefalseFlow ID name in Backend instance
flowIdRevisionfalseFlow ID revision in Backend instance
flowNametrueFlow name in Backend instance
flowStartParametersfalseList of parameter to be passed to flowStart action
formatsfalseGlobal formats settings
globalsfalseExtending expression context
handoffTimeoutfalse20Handoff credentials cookie expiration (in minutes)
indexPageInitfalsetrueSpecifies if application initialization should start from flowStart action
loadingComponentfalseComponent to be didsplayed during application initialization
mockDatafalseMocked input data for development tools
ogfalseList of meta og tags
pagestruePage Configuration
serverUrltrueURL of Backend instance server
studioSettingsfalseStudio settings
stylesfalseLESS files includes
titletrueMeta title of an application, shown in browser tab header
translatesfalseList of translates for specific languages (more in localization)
urlfalseApplication URL settings
flowReferencefalseWhen this ref is changed, new flow execution will be initialized

Application URL settings

url: {
  persistHash?: boolean // defines if hash should be persistent on page change, default value is TRUE (default hash is page URI)
  persistQuery?: boolean // defines if query should be persistent on page change, default value is FALSE
  persistPathname?: boolean // defines if pathname should be persistent on page change, default value is FALSE

Example configuration

Here's an example of various settings in index.yml:

title: "Zenoo Demo Project"
serverUrl: ""
flowName: "zenoo"
favicon: "/assets/favicon.ico"
indexPageInit: true
mockData: !include ./mockdata.json
  - !include ./styles/index.less
  gtm: "GTM-ID001"
authorizationTimeout: 60
  en: !include ./translates/en.yml
  cz: !include ./translates/cz.yml
defaultLocale: "en"
  name: ZenooBank
  logo: /assets/logo.png
  country: Mexico
  index: !include ./pages/index.yml
  otp: !include ./pages/otp.yml
  loan-overview: !include ./pages/loan-overview.yml
  thanks: !include ./pages/thanks.yml
  rejected: !include ./pages/rejected.yml