Target Structure

Hub client target structure

Target structure

HUB Client Target should have the following structure, which can vary depending on complexity.

/src — folder with target source code
  /assets — static assets (fonts, images etc)
  /components — YAML reusable components
  /layouts — visual layouts
  /pages — configuration files for specific pages. By convention, names of these files should be the same as route names in flow
  /styles — LESS styles
    index.less — list of imports used in target and global styles
    fonts.less — font styles (or import from CDN)
    overstyle.less — style overrides for UI components
    variables.less — CSS variables for UI components theming
    studio-variables.less — CSS variables for Design Studio
  /translates — translations for target
    {LANG}.yml — list of translations for {LANG} locale
  index.yml — project configuration file
package.json — metadata information about the target and its dependencies
package-lock.json — dependencies tree with locked versions